My name is Keri McDonnell, and I’ve been taking images in one form or another for virtually all 15726893_1270291393009230_3636238907969034345_nof my life…. I’ve photographed musicians professionally, shot some fashion at FIT in NYC, and have captured the rare but quite interesting wedding.  I love to work angles and linear aspects of all types of genre; architecture, landscapes, the odd cemetery.

I’ve used many different cameras over the years, starting with an Instamatic, to 35mm from Canon and  Nikon.  Currently I shoot with either a Fujifilm X100S digital rangefinder or my iPhone 6S Plus, which has allowed me to “de-complicate” things and focus simply on the image.

In late 2015, I moved to Northside… images on these pages are my newly found creative efforts in capturing some of the flavor of my new surroundings, which I love.  You’ll likely see me trolling the streets; if so, feel free to say hi!

My newfound passion is music performance.  Music has always been central to my life, and I’ve always wished to master an instrument.  In February, I began learning the oboe with Dr. Melissa Feilhauer, and currently study with Dr. Peggy Grant through the Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music’s Prep School.  I’ve participated in Master Classes with Dr. Mark Ostoich of CCM and Dr. Andrea Ridilla of Miami University, and have had some private tutoring with Petrea Warneck and Lisa Sayre.  I feel a calling to a ministry of music, what I call “sacred oboe,” and to that end I recently began to play Wednesday evening Service at Our Saviour Episcopal Church in Cincinnati.  It is my goal to one day pursue a B.M. in oboe at university.

Recent Performances:
~ Advent 2016- Church of Our Saviour, an Episcopal church in Cincinnati
~ December 22, 2016- Longest Night Service, St. Anne’s Episcopal Church, West Chester
~ January 9, 2017- Epiphany Service, St. Anne’s Episcopal Church, West Chester

I also love to write, and it is my hope to one day be published, whether for a novel or my poetry.  I am also presently working on a memoir of my life; I think it would be interesting.